Submit Your Story 

Rather than sort by neighborhood (72 by Dorothy Parker's count in LA County alone) this site is organized by channel. When contributing your LA Story please select an appropriate channel from the drop-down list. Your story can be composed on-line or polished off-line and copied and pasted in the space below. Stories about every aspect of life in Los Angeles are welcome, however, please follow these basic guidelines:
  • Keep your story brief and set in or about greater Los Angeles.
  • A little embellishment is unavoidable, but please keep your story truthful.
  • If your story is not based in fact, please use the fiction category.
  • This site is not a community bulletin board. Submissions should have a human interest value and be told preferably in first person.
  • Please use the announcements category for all announcements regardless of topic.
  • Only your name and city will be listed with your story. Your e-mail address and any optional contact information you provide will be kept in strict confidence.
  • If you would like your e-mail address published with your story, simply include it in the body of text.
  • One photo may be included with each submission, however, hyperlinks are not permitted.
  • Web publishing is "publishing" in the broadest sense, so please don't name names unless you are prepared to be held accountable

Full Name:
International users type in your country or region: (ignore the 'State' box above)
Email Address:
(Will not be published)
Comments to administrator:
(Will not be published)
Have you read a story that you would like to comment on? If so, choose 'Story Comments' from the 'Choose a Channel' box below:
Choose a Channel:
(upload from your hard drive)
Story Title:
Your Story:
(Type in or copy and paste your story in the box to the right.)
  1. All submissions remain the copyrighted intellectual property  of the contributor and cannot be used without their consent.
  2. LA has the right to refuse publication of any submission and to edit inappropriate language.
  3. The comments and opinions expressed in the stories presented here are solely those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of LA or its management.